Tyler and I were arranging the garage (well at least started to) when we came across this enormous bug. Neither of us knew what it was. Nor did I care to know. This was our first encounter with the son of a gun.
Next, Courtney complained of a big bug in her room. Oh Courtney, I'm sure it was an exaggeration. Then 3 days ago, I was hanging curtains in Courtney's room when I noticed in her window well there were 2 more of these creatures. She told me then, that was the bug in her room. So I was a little more scared for her.
Two days ago, Courtney, Kaylee and Rebecca Cram came screaming hysterically up the stairs. You could barely understand Courtney as she was terrified and crying. So being the brave mom, I headed downstairs with my friend Sara. I stopped in the bathroom to get some toilet paper thinking I could pick it up. Then I got to the bed.......and this is what I saw.

Sara began jumping around. I was still calm. I picked up a miniature play dust pan. I used this to get the creature into the bag. Once I got it into the bag, I let out a scream of terror. That scared everyone more than the bug. But I couldn't act brave anymore. Tyler didn't respond to my first cry for help. But he came running after the high pitched scream. But that's all he did. He just laughed. What a strong, brave, protective husband.
It was then upstairs and to the dumpster. Sara wanted to look at it again. So on the front porch, I handed her the bag. She looked inside, and as she did, I screamed and grabbed her. She dropped the bag and out he ran. The best part about the scare on the porch was the reaction of the workers across the street at Abby's house. They all stopped in their tracks to see what was going on. By that point, Sara and I were lucky that we didn't pee our pants. What a fun memory of our new house.
Have no fear, the bug men are on their way and will be here on Tuesday.