Saturday, February 9, 2008

It was a MAD house

We've gone from no one working on the house to mass chaos. On Friday we had 4 framers, 2 electricians, 4 plumbers, and 2 heating/cooling guys all working at once. When I stopped by to visit, you really had to watch where you were going. I asked if they would be working tomorrow. No one ended up working, which was fine with me. It is easier for me to check on their work without them being there. I found just a couple of small changes. Tyler is the one who gets to communicate with the workers. We need a few outlets moved. The biggest problem was from the heating guys. They ran a tube right up through one of my nooks. I was not happy about that at all. I've visualized these nooks for a long time. I had to fight the builder, framer, and now the heating guys on it. I WANT IT!!! And what I want, I get.

1 comment:

Carter Family said...

I love the house. I am so jealous. The houses here are just not the same as the ones in Utah. Love your background.