Sunday, April 13, 2008
Let's go fly a kite
You know you're in trouble when....
You see, I snuck out of the house to take Kaylee to school. Courtney was still asleep (Tyler was down stairs). As you can see, she woke up while I was gone. I couldn't stop laughing in the van seeing this little one scolding me.
Courtney can make me smile faster than any of my kids. She just has the cutest facial expresssions. I love her.
One SEXY outfit
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Kody's Jamboree
After returning from Arizona I was quickly back to work. I had volunteered to help run a rummage sale for a boy struggling with cancer. I didn't really realize what I had gotten myself into. On Thursday night, Tyler and I emptied 1 1/2 storage units of donated items into our truck and a snow mobile trailer. We were now ready for Friday, so we could start sorting and arranging.
Bruce to the rescue
Smith Family Easter Egg Hunt

Finally, we have the traditional Smith Easter Egg Hunt picture. Don't they look cute???? We'll see how much longer they let us take their photo like this.
Arizona Easter Trip-7th Stop Easter Egg Hunt
On your marks, get set, GO!!!
We had a great time on the family vacation!! It was our best trip yet.
A MILLION thanks to Brent and Dayna for giving us lasting, fun memories!
Arizona Easter Trip-6 and a half stop- REVENGE
Arizona Easter Trip-6th stop FINALLY RELAXING
Finally after running around for days, everyone gets a chance to relax. The kids loved the swimming pool. They were able to play for a few hours. As you can see, Papa was the play toy. Kaylee has learned to wear goggles. She had tried a few time before, but couldn't ge the fit right. Now she wears them without the water getting into her eyes. She LOVES to swim with goggles.