Look at my eyes.....do they look Chinese??? When I was young my sister use to say my eyes looked Chinese when I cried or when I was tired. Well, I am absolutely tired. This was a LONG LONG day. After the zoo, we loaded onto the bus and went to Mesa to wait for the temple pagent to begin. We waited 5 long hours. The kids didn't mind because we hung out at Pioneer Park and they just played. Justin, Curtis, Kaylee, Kimberly, Courtney, and Callie walked through the irrigation water and played on the playground. They were perfectly content. Us old folks on the other hand, needed a nap. Tyler helped keep us awake by making a Dairy Queen run. Those blizzards and dilly bars never tasted so good.
The pagent was great!! All of my kids made it through the whole thing without falling alseep. Unfortunately, Justin didn't give it as good of reviews as I did. He said, "That was boring". He got a laugh out of the people behind us. Kaylee was glued to the pagent. She kept wondering if it was really Jesus or someone playing him.
Another fun day has come to an end.