The madness began about a week before school was to get out. I headed up to Provo with 6 other great ladies for the PTA convention. We spent 2 1/2 days laughing, talking, and eating. I remembered quickly that I am no spring chicken. Staying up until 1-2 each night wiped me out. It was totally worth the sacrifice......we'll have great memories. Oh yes, we did attend a few PTA classes inbetween the eating and laughing. It was great to be with these fun ladies. We should have a great year next year at the school.
Monday began with a school wide reading party. All kids who turned in 5 out of 6 months of their reading calendars were able to attend. The party was so much fun for them. There were western games (our theme was Reading Round-up), western pictures, cupcakes in the shape of a snake (we are the Rattlers). It was a great reward for all those readers. The great PTA did a wonderful job rewarding these readers.

Sorry about the terrible picture, it's a picture of a picture. Notice the cowgirl in the top row, yep that's Courtney. She tends to sneek into anything we do at the school. Eventhough she still has another year to go before she gets to be a Rattler. Kayleee is in the front row, center. We couldn't find Justin's photo, but he attended the party also.
Then the craziness continued with Kaylee's graduation from Kindergarten. Her class performed a couple of cute pirate songs for us. They all loved singing and showing us what they had learned. Each child had a turn to say their name at the microphone. I wasn't quick enough on the camera, so I told Kaylee to, "Wait, wait." She did, but with hands on hips. We finally got the camera to work and captured her moment in time.
Mrs. Barney was a great teacher. She has so much kindness and love for the kids. You can see all of her hard work pay off in the progress of the kids.
At the end of their ceremony, each child presented their mother with a flower. It was so great to see Kaylee blossom this year. She is an awesome reader. No matter where we go, she brings books with her. She can be seen reading at church and baseball games. I loved helping her class and watching her grow. Next year, it's on to first grade!! Good job Kaylee.
Are you tired yet???? Oh did I mention we went to Justin's baseball game on Monday and had to leave early to make it to Kaylee's graduation.
Tuesday-Field Day/Swim Party
Don't you love the bangs??? Cedar and it's wind ruins photos. Tuesday began back at the school for field day. What a fun, crazy day. The PTA sets up Snake Bait for 4 hours, raking in over $500. We provide water and otter pops for all students. We supervise the afternoon movie. And most importantly, we have fun with our kids. The above picture is me and two of my best PTA buddies, Nikki and Sara. I truly love the friendships that I have formed through the PTA.

Each grade competes in races. Justin came in third in the 100 and 200 yard dash. You can't tell from the picture, but he ran barefoot. He was so proud of himself. And lucky I, got to be there to watch it all!! I love being at the school with my kids. Justin's teacher, Mrs. Fuson had t-shirts made for her whole class. They say "Field Day 2008" and their name. She is the most amazing caring teacher I have met. We will miss her next year.......but Kaylee will have her in 2 years.


Here's Kaylee with her class enjoying an otter pop. Her class also had races. She came in first place!!

In the middle of field day, I had to leave and take Courtney to her last day of preschool. This is a long awaited day. It was swim day. Courtney and Nalea could hardly take a second to stop playing for a photo. But as you can see, after chasing them down, I got a shot.

Now it's Wednesday and Justin and Kaylee's classes both earn ice cream parties from the PTA for bringing in the most Box Tops. The top 3 classes got parties. Justin's was 1st place and Kaylee's was 2nd place. I guess it helps to have a mom who is a Box Top Nazi.

Justin is wearing his two medals he won for the field day races.

It's the last day of school and all we have left is an awards assembly. I wasn't planning on attending until I learned my little ones would be recognized. So it was back to the school. Kaylee received 2 awards, one for excellent work in computers and one for citizenship. Justin also received the citizenship award. Their teachers choose who receives what award. Way to go kids!! I love that you are both kind to other students and teachers. Oh there's Courtney getting in on the action again.
Eventhough the week was completely exhausting, I loved every minute of it. I feel so lucky to have the flexibility to be to every event at the school. I know the kids love me being there too. Not a visit to Justin's class goes by without him running over and giving me a huge hug! Those are precious moments and memories for both of us. I'm excited for a break from school, who doesn't want to sleep in a little. If you call waking up at 7:30 sleeping in. But don't worry, we've got plenty of fun activities planned for the summer.
That was a great post. And a fun, exhausting week for you. Now it's onto the summer fun!
Did you have time to sleep? Its great that you can be there for all your kids activities. Jared still has another 2 weeks of school.
You and your kids are so cute! Sounds like you had fun at your PTA the picture with the bangs by the way!
Tell Kallie congratulations on her graduation and especially on how well she reads. That goes to show what great parents you guys are. Your kids are going to grow up and be really great. Your house looks great also.
Okay, I'm jealous. Your done, and I still have a week and a half of school to go.
We are really looking forward to a long lazy summer at our house.
I'm also jealous that you get to spend so much time at the school. I used to do that, and I loved it. Maybe next year.
Well, have fun with your summer.
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